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Ima Supernaturalist says that we can best know God's will through

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Ima Supernaturalist says that we can best know God's will through

Ima often prays to God for guidance, and then takes her feelings to be a sign of God's will. But she admits that there's a danger of confusing her likes and dislikes with God's will. And she's seen religious fanatics who think that God wants things that in fact are crazy and hateful.

She thinks that we need input from the Bible and the church to help us to form our conscience.

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Ima Supernaturalist says that we can best know God's will through

Ima thinks that the Bible is an important source for knowing God's will, but that there are many gray areas where people interpret the Bible differently.

She thinks that we need to supplement the Bible with other sources.

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Ima Supernaturalist says that we can best know God's will through

We could use reason by following our moral intuitions (seen as implanted by God to help us to know his will). Or we could follow an ideal-observer method, where we try to become as God-like as possible (striving for complete knowledge and universal love) and then see what we desire; this would give us an idea of what God desires.

Ima thinks that these approaches can be helpful, particularly if we add input from the Bible and the church.

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Ima Supernaturalist says that we can best know God's will through

Ima looks at the church as a teacher who is wise but who sometimes has blind spots that need correction.

She thinks that we need to supplement the church with other sources.

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Ima Supernaturalist says that we can best know God's will through

Ima thinks that our belief about God's will is very solid when the sources speak clearly and in unison. So it's clear that God wants us to have concern and love for each other. It's also clear that God opposes killing, stealing, and lying -- and racism (which violates "love thy neighbor").

But there are gray areas, like pacifism. Here we have to follow our prayer and reason as best we can, while we gain insight from the Bible and the church. In these gray areas, we should be less confident of our beliefs and more tolerant of opposing views.

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