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The intuitionists G.E. Moore and W.D. Ross agreed that there were self-evident truths about what was intrinsically good or intrinsically bad -- for example, that pleasure, knowledge, and virtue are intrinsically good, while pain, ignorance, and vice are intrinsically bad.

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The intuitionists G.E. Moore and W.D. Ross agreed that there were self-evident truths about what was intrinsically good or intrinsically bad -- for example, that pleasure, knowledge, and virtue are intrinsically good, while pain, ignorance, and vice are intrinsically bad.

They thought that "Pleasure is intrinsically better than pain" is as self-evident as anything could ever be.

To say that pleasure is intrinsically good means that it's good in itself, abstracting from further consequences. A specific pleasure might have painful consequences, and so be bad in the final account; but still the pleasure aspect of it is good.

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The intuitionists G.E. Moore and W.D. Ross agreed that there were self-evident truths about what was intrinsically good or intrinsically bad -- for example, that pleasure, knowledge, and virtue are intrinsically good, while pain, ignorance, and vice are intrinsically bad.

They thought that "Pleasure is intrinsically better than pain" is as self-evident as anything could ever be.

To say that pleasure is intrinsically good means that it's good in itself, abstracting from further consequences. A specific pleasure might have painful consequences, and so be bad in the final account; but still the pleasure aspect of it is good.

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