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Ima Intuitionist claims that "good" means

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Ima Intuitionist claims that "good" means

Ima thinks that "good" is indefinable.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Intuitionist claims that "good" means

    { 1 } - "desired"
    { 2 } - "socially approved"
    { 3 } - "pleasant"
    { 4 } - "desired by God"
    { 5 } - "liked"
    { 6 } - none of the above.

This is cultural relativism.

Ima thinks that "good" is indefinable.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Intuitionist claims that "good" means

    { 1 } - "desired"
    { 2 } - "socially approved"
    { 3 } - "pleasant"
    { 4 } - "desired by God"
    { 5 } - "liked"
    { 6 } - none of the above.

Ima thinks that "good" is indefinable.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Intuitionist claims that "good" means

    { 1 } - "desired"
    { 2 } - "socially approved"
    { 3 } - "pleasant"
    { 4 } - "desired by God"
    { 5 } - "liked"
    { 6 } - none of the above.

This is supernaturalism.

Ima thinks that "good" is indefinable.

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5 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Intuitionist claims that "good" means

    { 1 } - "desired"
    { 2 } - "socially approved"
    { 3 } - "pleasant"
    { 4 } - "desired by God"
    { 5 } - "liked"
    { 6 } - none of the above.

This is subjectivism.

Ima thinks that "good" is indefinable.

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6 is correct!

Ima Intuitionist claims that "good" means

    { 1 } - "desired"
    { 2 } - "socially approved"
    { 3 } - "pleasant"
    { 4 } - "desired by God"
    { 5 } - "liked"
    { 6 } - none of the above.

Ima claims that "good" is a simple indefinable idea (like "not") and can't be broken down into simpler ideas.

Proposed definitions of "good" are incorrect. They confuse evaluative with non-evaluative terms.

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the end