What is your answer?

The intuitionist W.D. Ross held that what was self-evident about duty was that

    { 1 } - other things being equal, we ought to keep our promises, not harm others, and so forth.
    { 2 } - we ought to do whatever maximizes good consequences for everyone.
    { 3 } - we ought to do this specific act in this specific situation.

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1 is correct!

The intuitionist W.D. Ross held that what was self-evident about duty was that

He held several principles of duty to be self-evident.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

The intuitionist W.D. Ross held that what was self-evident about duty was that

    { 1 } - other things being equal, we ought to keep our promises, not harm others, and so forth.
    { 2 } - we ought to do whatever maximizes good consequences for everyone.
    { 3 } - we ought to do this specific act in this specific situation.

This was the view of G.E. Moore. Ross rejected it, since he thought that it conflicted with common sense.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

The intuitionist W.D. Ross held that what was self-evident about duty was that

    { 1 } - other things being equal, we ought to keep our promises, not harm others, and so forth.
    { 2 } - we ought to do whatever maximizes good consequences for everyone.
    { 3 } - we ought to do this specific act in this specific situation.

It's never just self-evident what we ought to do in a concrete situation. To arrive at our concrete duty requires combining self-evident moral principles with information about the concrete situation.

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the end