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Intuitionists largely agree about which moral principles are self-evident truths.

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Intuitionists largely agree about which moral principles are self-evident truths.

(1) Some accept one big rule about duty (typically a rule to do whatever maximizes good consequences, either for everyone or for yourself). (2) Some take a collection of rules about duty to be self-evident (either exceptionless rules or weaker rules that hold other things being equal). (3) Some take as self-evident only concrete judgments of duty, that in this concrete situation I ought to do such and such.

There are many disputes about how to formulate these principles.

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Intuitionists largely agree about which moral principles are self-evident truths.

(1) Some accept one big rule about duty (typically a rule to do whatever maximizes good consequences, either for everyone or for yourself). (2) Some take a collection of rules about duty to be self-evident (either exceptionless rules or weaker rules that hold other things being equal). (3) Some take as self-evident only concrete judgments of duty, that in this concrete situation I ought to do such and such.

There are many disputes about how to formulate these principles.

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