What is your answer?

Suppose that you combine these two:

    * I believe that I ought to hit X, and
    * I don't desire that I be hit in the same situation.
Are you violating prescriptivism's GR consistency condition?

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 2.


1 is correct!

Suppose that you combine these two:

    * I believe that I ought to hit X, and
    * I don't desire that I be hit in the same situation.
Are you violating prescriptivism's GR consistency condition?

Prescriptivism's GR consistency condition has to do with the consistent use of moral terms (like "ought"). Here your ought judgment logically commits you to desiring that any similar action be done, regardless of where you imagine yourself in the situation.

Note that there's an "ought" in the first part.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

Suppose that you combine these two:

    * I believe that I ought to hit X, and
    * I don't desire that I be hit in the same situation.
Are you violating prescriptivism's GR consistency condition?

Prescriptivism's GR consistency condition has to do with the consistent use of moral terms (like "ought"). Here your ought judgment logically commits you to desiring that any similar action be done, regardless of where you imagine yourself in the situation.

Note that there's an "ought" in the first part.

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the end