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Ima Prescriptivist claims that, to be logically consistent, we must keep our moral beliefs in harmony with how we live and want others to live.

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1 is correct!

Ima Prescriptivist claims that, to be logically consistent, we must keep our moral beliefs in harmony with how we live and want others to live.

This holds because ought judgments are prescriptions (imperatives), and thus express our will, or our desires, about how we and others are to live.

In accepting a moral judgment, we aren't just describing or categorizing. Instead, we're prescribing how to live. So a moral belief logically commits us to acting in certain ways and wanting others to do so too.

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Ima Prescriptivist claims that, to be logically consistent, we must keep our moral beliefs in harmony with how we live and want others to live.

This holds because ought judgments are prescriptions (imperatives), and thus express our will, or our desires, about how we and others are to live.

In accepting a moral judgment, we aren't just describing or categorizing. Instead, we're prescribing how to live. So a moral belief logically commits us to acting in certain ways and wanting others to do so too.

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