What is your answer?

The literal golden rule tells Ima Masochist, who wants X to torture him, to torture X. The book deals with the masochist problem by

    { 1 } - seeing GR as only forbidding inconsistent action-desire combinations.
    { 2 } - including some method to criticize irrational desires.
    { 3 } - having Ima ask whether he's willing that he be tortured if he were in the exact place of X (who presumably is a nonmasochist).
    { 4 } - all of the above.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

The literal golden rule tells Ima Masochist, who wants X to torture him, to torture X. The book deals with the masochist problem by

Since our GR only forbids inconsistencies, and doesn't tell what specific act to do, it doesn't tell Ima to torture another.

But we need the other things too.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

The literal golden rule tells Ima Masochist, who wants X to torture him, to torture X. The book deals with the masochist problem by

    { 1 } - seeing GR as only forbidding inconsistent action-desire combinations.
    { 2 } - including some method to criticize irrational desires.
    { 3 } - having Ima ask whether he's willing that he be tortured if he were in the exact place of X (who presumably is a nonmasochist).
    { 4 } - all of the above.

Ima would have to have a strong self-hatred to desire that he be tortured if he were in the place of a nonmasochist. We could counter Ima's self-hatred by getting him to understand himself better (including the source of his hatred), appreciate his self-worth, and experience positive ways of living. If he developed a love for himself, then GR could extend this love-of-self to love-of-others.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

The literal golden rule tells Ima Masochist, who wants X to torture him, to torture X. The book deals with the masochist problem by

    { 1 } - seeing GR as only forbidding inconsistent action-desire combinations.
    { 2 } - including some method to criticize irrational desires.
    { 3 } - having Ima ask whether he's willing that he be tortured if he were in the exact place of X (who presumably is a nonmasochist).
    { 4 } - all of the above.

Ima will likely answer "no." Typical masochists desire physical or emotional pains because these bring sexual, athletic, or religious satisfactions. Ima wouldn't get these satisfactions if he were in the place of X (a nonmasochist). So to be tortured in X's place would bring unwanted pain.

But we need the other things too.

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4 is correct!

The literal golden rule tells Ima Masochist, who wants X to torture him, to torture X. The book deals with the masochist problem by

    { 1 } - seeing GR as only forbidding inconsistent action-desire combinations.
    { 2 } - including some method to criticize irrational desires.
    { 3 } - having Ima ask whether he's willing that he be tortured if he were in the exact place of X (who presumably is a nonmasochist).
    { 4 } - all of the above.

Ima would need a strong self-hatred to desire that he be tortured if he were in the place of a nonmasochist (who wouldn't get masochistic satisfactions from the torture). This self-hatred could probably be rationally criticized. Even if it couldn't, GR wouldn't tell Ima to torture another (since GR only forbids inconsistencies, and doesn't tell what specific act to do).

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the end