What is your answer?

I do something to another. To test whether I satisfy our GR, I should ask:

    { 1 } - "If I were in the same situation, would I then be willing that this be done to me?"
    { 2 } - "Am I now willing that this be done to me (in my present situation)?"
    { 3 } - "Am I now willing that if I were in the same situation then this be done to me?"
    { 4 } - All of these mean the same thing.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 4.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

I do something to another. To test whether I satisfy our GR, I should ask:

This causes trouble when you punish your child. If you were a child, in your child's exact place, then you'd desire not to be punished. GR, understood this way, would forbid you to punish your child -- which is absurd.

You can satisfy the correct GR form if you can say: "I'm now willing that if I were in my child's place then I be punished in this way."

To avoid the bad form, be careful not to put "IF" before "WILLING" -- and not to say "WOULD be willing."

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

I do something to another. To test whether I satisfy our GR, I should ask:

    { 1 } - "If I were in the same situation, would I then be willing that this be done to me?"
    { 2 } - "Am I now willing that this be done to me (in my present situation)?"
    { 3 } - "Am I now willing that if I were in the same situation then this be done to me?"
    { 4 } - All of these mean the same thing.

This question is wrong because it ignores differences in circumstances.

You and the other person might be in very different situations. Maybe you have a bad appendix, and thus want the doctor to remove your appendix. Should you then remove the doctor's appendix?

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3 is correct!

I do something to another. To test whether I satisfy our GR, I should ask:

    { 1 } - "If I were in the same situation, would I then be willing that this be done to me?"
    { 2 } - "Am I now willing that this be done to me (in my present situation)?"
    { 3 } - "Am I now willing that if I were in the same situation then this be done to me?"
    { 4 } - All of these mean the same thing.

This is the correct question to ask. If your answer is "no," then you're inconsistent and violate the golden rule.

This question uses a same-situation clause and a present attitude toward a hypothetical situation. It asks how you NOW are willing that you'd be treated if you were in the other person's place.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


4 is wrong. Please try again.

I do something to another. To test whether I satisfy our GR, I should ask:

    { 1 } - "If I were in the same situation, would I then be willing that this be done to me?"
    { 2 } - "Am I now willing that this be done to me (in my present situation)?"
    { 3 } - "Am I now willing that if I were in the same situation then this be done to me?"
    { 4 } - All of these mean the same thing.

You need to focus more clearly on the differences.

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the end