What is your answer?

An important part of moral education is to teach children to

    { 1 } - live in harmony with their moral beliefs.
    { 2 } - make informed decisions.
    { 3 } - put themselves in the other person's place.
    { 4 } - make similar evaluations about similar actions.
    { 5 } - treat others as they want to be treated.
    { 6 } - do all of the above.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

An important part of moral education is to teach children to

We can teach this by example -- by taking moral judgments seriously and putting them into practice in our own lives.

We also can encourage children to take their moral beliefs seriously and follow them conscientiously. We can stress the importance of doing the right thing.

But the other things are important too.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

An important part of moral education is to teach children to

    { 1 } - live in harmony with their moral beliefs.
    { 2 } - make informed decisions.
    { 3 } - put themselves in the other person's place.
    { 4 } - make similar evaluations about similar actions.
    { 5 } - treat others as they want to be treated.
    { 6 } - do all of the above.

We can teach this by example -- especially by getting to know our children (and how things affect them) before making decisions about them.

We also can encourage our children to get the information needed to make their own decisions -- and to ask questions like: "What are my alternatives?" and "What effect would this action have on myself and on others?"

But the other things are important too.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

An important part of moral education is to teach children to

    { 1 } - live in harmony with their moral beliefs.
    { 2 } - make informed decisions.
    { 3 } - put themselves in the other person's place.
    { 4 } - make similar evaluations about similar actions.
    { 5 } - treat others as they want to be treated.
    { 6 } - do all of the above.

We can teach this by own example -- especially by listening sympathetically to our children and trying to imagine what their lives are like.

We also can encourage children to listen to others and reflect on what an action would look like from another person's perspective. It can be helpful to read stories or watch movies that portray people's lives and struggles in a realistic way.

But the other things are important too.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

An important part of moral education is to teach children to

    { 1 } - live in harmony with their moral beliefs.
    { 2 } - make informed decisions.
    { 3 } - put themselves in the other person's place.
    { 4 } - make similar evaluations about similar actions.
    { 5 } - treat others as they want to be treated.
    { 6 } - do all of the above.

We can teach this by example -- by applying the same standards to everyone and giving reasons for differences in treatment.

We also can challenge children to think through their moral dilemmas and to propose principles or reasons (applicable to everyone alike) why actions are right or wrong.

But the other things are important too.

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5 is wrong. Please try again.

An important part of moral education is to teach children to

    { 1 } - live in harmony with their moral beliefs.
    { 2 } - make informed decisions.
    { 3 } - put themselves in the other person's place.
    { 4 } - make similar evaluations about similar actions.
    { 5 } - treat others as they want to be treated.
    { 6 } - do all of the above.

We can teach this by example -- by following the golden rule in our dealings with them.

We also can challenge children, when they do something rude or vicious, by asking, "How would you like it if we did that to you?"

But the other things are important too.

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6 is correct!

An important part of moral education is to teach children to

    { 1 } - live in harmony with their moral beliefs.
    { 2 } - make informed decisions.
    { 3 } - put themselves in the other person's place.
    { 4 } - make similar evaluations about similar actions.
    { 5 } - treat others as they want to be treated.
    { 6 } - do all of the above.

Adults can teach these things, both by example and by encouraging the corresponding skills and attitudes in children.

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