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An important part of moral education is to teach children to be able to imagine themselves, vividly and accurately, in another person's place.

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1 is correct!

An important part of moral education is to teach children to be able to imagine themselves, vividly and accurately, in another person's place.

We can teach this by our own example -- by listening sympathetically to our children and trying to imagine what their lives are like.

We also can encourage our children to listen to others and share ideas with them -- and to read novels or watch movies that portray people's lives and struggles in a realistic way.

So when you read your child a story, you may be contributing to your child's moral education.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

An important part of moral education is to teach children to be able to imagine themselves, vividly and accurately, in another person's place.

This is very important.

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