What is your answer?

Which of these is NOT true of Socrates?

    { 1 } - He was sentenced to death because his questioning was thought to "corrupt the youth." He defended himself by saying that it was better to do the right thing and obey God than to obey man.
    { 2 } - He prided himself on his theories about ethics.
    { 3 } - He began ancient Greek ethics by asking questions like "What is virtue?" and "What is justice?"
    { 4 } - He taught the life of reason -- to think carefully about important questions and to search for beliefs that could be held consistently after thorough examination.
    { 5 } - In a series of dialogues, he asks questions about the views of others -- giving clarifications, objections, and inferences.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

Which of these is NOT true of Socrates?

This IS true of Socrates.

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2 is correct!

Which of these is NOT true of Socrates?

    { 1 } - He was sentenced to death because his questioning was thought to "corrupt the youth." He defended himself by saying that it was better to do the right thing and obey God than to obey man.
    { 2 } - He prided himself on his theories about ethics.
    { 3 } - He began ancient Greek ethics by asking questions like "What is virtue?" and "What is justice?"
    { 4 } - He taught the life of reason -- to think carefully about important questions and to search for beliefs that could be held consistently after thorough examination.
    { 5 } - In a series of dialogues, he asks questions about the views of others -- giving clarifications, objections, and inferences.

He claimed to teach no ethical doctrine.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

Which of these is NOT true of Socrates?

    { 1 } - He was sentenced to death because his questioning was thought to "corrupt the youth." He defended himself by saying that it was better to do the right thing and obey God than to obey man.
    { 2 } - He prided himself on his theories about ethics.
    { 3 } - He began ancient Greek ethics by asking questions like "What is virtue?" and "What is justice?"
    { 4 } - He taught the life of reason -- to think carefully about important questions and to search for beliefs that could be held consistently after thorough examination.
    { 5 } - In a series of dialogues, he asks questions about the views of others -- giving clarifications, objections, and inferences.

This IS true of Socrates.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

Which of these is NOT true of Socrates?

    { 1 } - He was sentenced to death because his questioning was thought to "corrupt the youth." He defended himself by saying that it was better to do the right thing and obey God than to obey man.
    { 2 } - He prided himself on his theories about ethics.
    { 3 } - He began ancient Greek ethics by asking questions like "What is virtue?" and "What is justice?"
    { 4 } - He taught the life of reason -- to think carefully about important questions and to search for beliefs that could be held consistently after thorough examination.
    { 5 } - In a series of dialogues, he asks questions about the views of others -- giving clarifications, objections, and inferences.

This IS true of Socrates.

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5 is wrong. Please try again.

Which of these is NOT true of Socrates?

    { 1 } - He was sentenced to death because his questioning was thought to "corrupt the youth." He defended himself by saying that it was better to do the right thing and obey God than to obey man.
    { 2 } - He prided himself on his theories about ethics.
    { 3 } - He began ancient Greek ethics by asking questions like "What is virtue?" and "What is justice?"
    { 4 } - He taught the life of reason -- to think carefully about important questions and to search for beliefs that could be held consistently after thorough examination.
    { 5 } - In a series of dialogues, he asks questions about the views of others -- giving clarifications, objections, and inferences.

This IS true of Socrates.

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the end