What is your answer?

How do we acquire the virtues, according to Aristotle?

    { 1 } - Virtues come with old age.
    { 2 } - We are born with the virtues.
    { 3 } - Virtues come with practice.
    { 4 } - Virtues are a gift from the gods.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

How do we acquire the virtues, according to Aristotle?

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

How do we acquire the virtues, according to Aristotle?

    { 1 } - Virtues come with old age.
    { 2 } - We are born with the virtues.
    { 3 } - Virtues come with practice.
    { 4 } - Virtues are a gift from the gods.

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3 is correct!

How do we acquire the virtues, according to Aristotle?

    { 1 } - Virtues come with old age.
    { 2 } - We are born with the virtues.
    { 3 } - Virtues come with practice.
    { 4 } - Virtues are a gift from the gods.

If we want to be generous, for example, we need to push ourselves to do things for others; in time, generosity will become part of our lives. Those who say "I'm not a generous person -- that's just not the way I'm built" are avoiding responsibility. To a great extent, we can become the kind of persons that we want to be.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

How do we acquire the virtues, according to Aristotle?

    { 1 } - Virtues come with old age.
    { 2 } - We are born with the virtues.
    { 3 } - Virtues come with practice.
    { 4 } - Virtues are a gift from the gods.

You're guessing!

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the end