What is your answer?

Suppose that you're a consequentialist and are deliberating about whether to have an abortion. You'd see what you ought to do as determined by this question:

    { 1 } - "Would this abortion have the best consequences for me?"
    { 2 } - "Would this abortion have the best total consequences for everyone affected by the action (including myself and the baby-to-be)?"
    { 3 } - You'd ask one or the other of these depending on what type of consequentialism you hold.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 3.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

Suppose that you're a consequentialist and are deliberating about whether to have an abortion. You'd see what you ought to do as determined by this question:

You'd ask this if you held the "egoism" form of consequentialism.

But you might instead be a utilitarian.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Suppose that you're a consequentialist and are deliberating about whether to have an abortion. You'd see what you ought to do as determined by this question:

    { 1 } - "Would this abortion have the best consequences for me?"
    { 2 } - "Would this abortion have the best total consequences for everyone affected by the action (including myself and the baby-to-be)?"
    { 3 } - You'd ask one or the other of these depending on what type of consequentialism you hold.

You'd ask this if you held the "utilitarianism" form of consequentialism.

But you might instead be an egoist.

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3 is correct!

Suppose that you're a consequentialist and are deliberating about whether to have an abortion. You'd see what you ought to do as determined by this question:

    { 1 } - "Would this abortion have the best consequences for me?"
    { 2 } - "Would this abortion have the best total consequences for everyone affected by the action (including myself and the baby-to-be)?"
    { 3 } - You'd ask one or the other of these depending on what type of consequentialism you hold.

If you're an egoist, you're just concerned about the consequences on yourself.

If you're a utilitarian, you're concerned about the total consequences on everyone affected by the action.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


the end