What is your answer?

What premise is missing in this consequentialist argument for abortion?

    [... missing premise ...]
    Having this abortion would have the best consequences.
    So we ought to have this abortion.
    { 1 } - We ought to do whatever has the best consequences.
    { 2 } - Abortion is legal.
    { 3 } - A fetus isn't human life.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 3.


1 is correct!

What premise is missing in this consequentialist argument for abortion?

    [... missing premise ...]
    Having this abortion would have the best consequences.
    So we ought to have this abortion.

This consequentialist premise is questionable. It justifies killing innocent humans (including the sick, handicapped, and elderly) when this produces even a tiny increase in good consequences. It has many bizarre implications (which you might recall from Chapter 10) and is difficult to hold in a consistent way.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

What premise is missing in this consequentialist argument for abortion?

    [... missing premise ...]
    Having this abortion would have the best consequences.
    So we ought to have this abortion.
    { 1 } - We ought to do whatever has the best consequences.
    { 2 } - Abortion is legal.
    { 3 } - A fetus isn't human life.

This premise won't get us to the conclusion.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

What premise is missing in this consequentialist argument for abortion?

    [... missing premise ...]
    Having this abortion would have the best consequences.
    So we ought to have this abortion.
    { 1 } - We ought to do whatever has the best consequences.
    { 2 } - Abortion is legal.
    { 3 } - A fetus isn't human life.

This premise won't get us to the conclusion.

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the end