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We ought to be conscientious because this benefits both the individual and the larger society.

    { 1 } - prescriptivism justification
    { 2 } - Kantian justification
    { 3 } - utilitarianism justification
    { 4 } - idealistic-desire justification
    { 5 } - emotivism justification

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

We ought to be conscientious because this benefits both the individual and the larger society.

Since an ought judgment is a prescription that logically entails the corresponding imperative (and not a factual claim), ought judgments logically commit us to action under pain of inconsistency. Thus conscientiousness is justified as a species of logical consistency. <=> prescriptivism justification

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

We ought to be conscientious because this benefits both the individual and the larger society.

    { 1 } - prescriptivism justification
    { 2 } - Kantian justification
    { 3 } - utilitarianism justification
    { 4 } - idealistic-desire justification
    { 5 } - emotivism justification

Since an ought judgment is a truth that logically entails the corresponding imperative, such judgments have a rational authority. If we accept an ought judgment but don't act on it, then we are logically inconsistent and violate rationality. <=> Kantian justification

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3 is correct!

We ought to be conscientious because this benefits both the individual and the larger society.

    { 1 } - prescriptivism justification
    { 2 } - Kantian justification
    { 3 } - utilitarianism justification
    { 4 } - idealistic-desire justification
    { 5 } - emotivism justification

We ought to be conscientious because this benefits both the individual and the larger society. <=> utilitarianism justification

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

We ought to be conscientious because this benefits both the individual and the larger society.

    { 1 } - prescriptivism justification
    { 2 } - Kantian justification
    { 3 } - utilitarianism justification
    { 4 } - idealistic-desire justification
    { 5 } - emotivism justification

We strive for conscientiousness because it promotes our desire to be a morally good person -- and because this requires that we try to do the right thing and avoid doing the wrong thing. <=> idealistic-desire justification

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5 is wrong. Please try again.

We ought to be conscientious because this benefits both the individual and the larger society.

    { 1 } - prescriptivism justification
    { 2 } - Kantian justification
    { 3 } - utilitarianism justification
    { 4 } - idealistic-desire justification
    { 5 } - emotivism justification

Our judgments in favor of conscientiousness express our (actual or ideal) feelings in favor of it. <=> emotivism justification

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the end