What is your answer?

To love a person, you must first like the person.

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(No scoring on this one.)

To love a person, you must first like the person.

This is TRUE if we take "love" in the first sense given in my American Heritage Dictionary -- as a "deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person." This includes liking, but goes further.

It's FALSE if we take "love" in a manner more suited to the "Love your neighbor" norm -- as a "seeking to do good and not harm to another and this for the sake of the other." It's in this sense that we are to love everyone, even those we don't know or like.

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(No scoring on this one.)

To love a person, you must first like the person.

This is TRUE if we take "love" in the first sense given in my American Heritage Dictionary -- as a "deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person." This includes liking, but goes further.

It's FALSE if we take "love" in a manner more suited to the "Love your neighbor" norm -- as a "seeking to do good and not harm to another and this for the sake of the other." It's in this sense that we are to love everyone, even those we don't know or like.

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