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Which of these two areas begins with self-evident principles?

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Which of these two areas begins with self-evident principles?

Speculative reason begins with the principle of noncontradiction, that the same thing cannot be affirmed and denied at the same time.

Practical reason begins with the principle that good is to be pursued and evil is to be avoided.

Both truths are claimed to be self-evident.

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Which of these two areas begins with self-evident principles?

    { 1 } - speculative reason
    { 2 } - practical reason
    { 3 } - both

Speculative reason begins with the principle of noncontradiction, that the same thing cannot be affirmed and denied at the same time.

Practical reason begins with the principle that good is to be pursued and evil is to be avoided.

Both truths are claimed to be self-evident.

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3 is correct!

Which of these two areas begins with self-evident principles?

    { 1 } - speculative reason
    { 2 } - practical reason
    { 3 } - both

Speculative reason begins with the principle of noncontradiction, that the same thing cannot be affirmed and denied at the same time.

Practical reason begins with the principle that good is to be pursued and evil is to be avoided.

Both truths are claimed to be self-evident.

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