What is your answer?

Aquinas holds

    { 1 } - supernaturalism -- saying that things are good because God desires them (since "good" means "desired by God").
    { 2 } - intuitionism -- saying that the basic ethical truths are objective and irreducible, and are self-evident to human reason.
    { 3 } - naturalism -- saying that things are good because we desire them (since "good" means "desired").

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 3.


(No scoring on this one.)

Aquinas holds

He isn't very clear on this issue. You could give passages that support each of the three interpretations.

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(No scoring on this one.)

Aquinas holds

    { 1 } - supernaturalism -- saying that things are good because God desires them (since "good" means "desired by God").
    { 2 } - intuitionism -- saying that the basic ethical truths are objective and irreducible, and are self-evident to human reason.
    { 3 } - naturalism -- saying that things are good because we desire them (since "good" means "desired").

He isn't very clear on this issue. You could give passages that support each of the three interpretations.

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(No scoring on this one.)

Aquinas holds

    { 1 } - supernaturalism -- saying that things are good because God desires them (since "good" means "desired by God").
    { 2 } - intuitionism -- saying that the basic ethical truths are objective and irreducible, and are self-evident to human reason.
    { 3 } - naturalism -- saying that things are good because we desire them (since "good" means "desired").

He isn't very clear on this issue. You could give passages that support each of the three interpretations.

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the end