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The moral life is a struggle between reason and feelings.

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The moral life is a struggle between reason and feelings.

Hume thinks that this common idea is based on a faulty view of reason.

Reason is the discovery of truth. An action or desire violates reason only by involving a factual error or a choice of insufficient means. When we discover such errors, we immediately and without a struggle change our action or desire.

The moral life is a struggle, rather, between different sorts of feelings.

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2 is correct!

The moral life is a struggle between reason and feelings.

Hume thinks that this common idea is based on a faulty view of reason.

Reason is the discovery of truth. An action or desire violates reason only by involving a factual error or a choice of insufficient means. When we discover such errors, we immediately and without a struggle change our action or desire.

The moral life is a struggle, rather, between different sorts of feelings.

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