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In his later writings, Hume talks about the dispute between those who base ethics on reason and those who base it on sentiment. His own view is that ethics is based on

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In his later writings, Hume talks about the dispute between those who base ethics on reason and those who base it on sentiment. His own view is that ethics is based on

So David Hume turned into Immanuel Kant?

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In his later writings, Hume talks about the dispute between those who base ethics on reason and those who base it on sentiment. His own view is that ethics is based on

    { 1 } - reason.
    { 2 } - sentiment.
    { 3 } - both reason and sentiment.

He said this earlier. But now he's trying to give a more balanced account.

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3 is correct!

In his later writings, Hume talks about the dispute between those who base ethics on reason and those who base it on sentiment. His own view is that ethics is based on

    { 1 } - reason.
    { 2 } - sentiment.
    { 3 } - both reason and sentiment.

We must first understand the facts (reason) and then see how we feel (sentiment). So we need both reason and feeling to make adequate ethical judgments.

He also brought in an impartiality requirement.

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