What is your answer?

To see the viciousness in an act of murder, we must examine

    { 1 } - how our five senses perceive the act; we'll then see the viciousness, just as we see the murder weapon.
    { 2 } - how our society reacts emotionally to such actions.
    { 3 } - our feelings -- our emotional reactions.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

To see the viciousness in an act of murder, we must examine

We can't literally perceive the viciousness through our five senses. To experience the viciousness, we must look to our own emotional reactions.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

To see the viciousness in an act of murder, we must examine

    { 1 } - how our five senses perceive the act; we'll then see the viciousness, just as we see the murder weapon.
    { 2 } - how our society reacts emotionally to such actions.
    { 3 } - our feelings -- our emotional reactions.

This is cultural relativism -- and makes moral judgments into claims about society. This isn't Hume's view.

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3 is correct!

To see the viciousness in an act of murder, we must examine

    { 1 } - how our five senses perceive the act; we'll then see the viciousness, just as we see the murder weapon.
    { 2 } - how our society reacts emotionally to such actions.
    { 3 } - our feelings -- our emotional reactions.

Hume thinks that the word "vicious" expresses our feelings.

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