What is your answer?

We can reason about

    { 1 } - ends but not means.
    { 2 } - means but not ends.
    { 3 } - ends and means both.

<= back | menu | forward =>
Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 3.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

We can reason about

You have it backwards!

<= back | menu | forward =>


2 is correct!

We can reason about

    { 1 } - ends but not means.
    { 2 } - means but not ends.
    { 3 } - ends and means both.

Let's suppose that you exercise to preserve your health and avoid painful sickness. That exercise has this effect is an ends-means judgment; and we can reason about such judgments. But that pain is bad is an ultimate end, based on feelings. We can't reason about ultimate ends.

<= back | menu | forward =>
Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

We can reason about

    { 1 } - ends but not means.
    { 2 } - means but not ends.
    { 3 } - ends and means both.

No, just one.

<= back | menu | forward =>


the end