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The basic ethical truths have their origin in nature; to be virtuous is to follow nature, to do what is natural.

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The basic ethical truths have their origin in nature; to be virtuous is to follow nature, to do what is natural.

Hume thinks that those who identify "virtue" with "what is natural" are confused on what "natural" means.

"Natural" can mean "typical," "not artificial," or "not miraculous." We can't identify virtue with what is "natural" in any of these senses.

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2 is correct!

The basic ethical truths have their origin in nature; to be virtuous is to follow nature, to do what is natural.

Hume thinks that those who identify "virtue" with "what is natural" are confused on what "natural" means.

"Natural" can mean "typical," "not artificial," or "not miraculous." We can't identify virtue with what is "natural" in any of these senses.

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