What is your answer?

Moral judgments express

    { 1 } - matters of fact (empirical truths, like scientific ones, that are based on sense experience).
    { 2 } - relations of ideas (conceptual truths, like mathematical ones, that are based on definitions and logical connections).
    { 3 } - some other kind of truth.
    { 4 } - feelings.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Moral judgments express

Hume rejects this view of moral judgments.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Moral judgments express

    { 1 } - matters of fact (empirical truths, like scientific ones, that are based on sense experience).
    { 2 } - relations of ideas (conceptual truths, like mathematical ones, that are based on definitions and logical connections).
    { 3 } - some other kind of truth.
    { 4 } - feelings.

Hume rejects this view of moral judgments.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Moral judgments express

    { 1 } - matters of fact (empirical truths, like scientific ones, that are based on sense experience).
    { 2 } - relations of ideas (conceptual truths, like mathematical ones, that are based on definitions and logical connections).
    { 3 } - some other kind of truth.
    { 4 } - feelings.

Hume's Fork holds that there is no other kind of truth. All truths are either relations of ideas or matters of fact.

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4 is correct!

Moral judgments express

    { 1 } - matters of fact (empirical truths, like scientific ones, that are based on sense experience).
    { 2 } - relations of ideas (conceptual truths, like mathematical ones, that are based on definitions and logical connections).
    { 3 } - some other kind of truth.
    { 4 } - feelings.

Hume's Fork holds that all truths are either relations of ideas or matters of fact. Moral judgments are neither, and so aren't truths. Since moral judgments aren't truths, they must express feelings.

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the end