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Some opponents say that utilitarianism is a view worthy of pigs, since it supposes that life has no higher end than pleasure.

Mill answers that humans can experience higher pleasures than can pigs -- pleasures relating to our intelligence, imagination, and moral feelings. These pleasures are "higher" mainly because they

    { 1 } - contain or produce a greater quantity of pleasure.
    { 2 } - contain or produce a higher quality of pleasure.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Some opponents say that utilitarianism is a view worthy of pigs, since it supposes that life has no higher end than pleasure.

Mill answers that humans can experience higher pleasures than can pigs -- pleasures relating to our intelligence, imagination, and moral feelings. These pleasures are "higher" mainly because they

This is what previous utilitarians claimed. They said things like "Quantity of pleasure being equal, pushpin [a silly game] is as good as poetry."

Mill took the other option here -- the higher ground.

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2 is correct!

Some opponents say that utilitarianism is a view worthy of pigs, since it supposes that life has no higher end than pleasure.

Mill answers that humans can experience higher pleasures than can pigs -- pleasures relating to our intelligence, imagination, and moral feelings. These pleasures are "higher" mainly because they

    { 1 } - contain or produce a greater quantity of pleasure.
    { 2 } - contain or produce a higher quality of pleasure.

A pleasure is "higher in quality" if it's preferred by those who have experienced both. By this criterion, the pleasures of our higher faculties are to be preferred. Few humans would consent to be changed into a pig for a promise of the fullest allowance of its pleasures. So it's better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied. And if the pig has a different opinion, it's because it only knows its own side.

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