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Moral claims like these are objectively true or false, even though it may be difficult to reach the truth about such matters.

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Moral claims like these are objectively true or false, even though it may be difficult to reach the truth about such matters.

Singer wouldn't want to answer either "true" or "false" to this.

Instead, Singer would answer by making distinctions. He thinks reason can lead to definite answers on moral issues, but it matters little if we see these answers as "true" instead of as "justifiable imperatives." But he is inclined to regard it as a self-evident truth that everyone's good is equally significant from an objective standpoint.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Moral claims like these are objectively true or false, even though it may be difficult to reach the truth about such matters.

Singer wouldn't want to answer either "true" or "false" to this.

Instead, Singer would answer by making distinctions. He thinks reason can lead to definite answers on moral issues, but it matters little if we see these answers as "true" instead of as "justifiable imperatives." But he is inclined to regard it as a self-evident truth that everyone's good is equally significant from an objective standpoint.

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3 is correct!

Moral claims like these are objectively true or false, even though it may be difficult to reach the truth about such matters.

Singer wouldn't want to answer either "true" or "false" to this.

Instead, Singer would answer by making distinctions. He thinks reason can lead to definite answers on moral issues, but it matters little if we see these answers as "true" instead of as "justifiable imperatives." But he is inclined to regard it as a self-evident truth that everyone's good is equally significant from an objective standpoint.

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