What is your answer?

According to Chisholm, it's traditional in Western philosophy to recognize various basic sources of knowledge. Which of these is NOT one of the traditional sources?

    { 1 } - self-awareness (e.g. "I'm aware that I'm thinking about a cat").
    { 2 } - reason (e.g. "All cats are furry and this is a cat" entails "This is furry").
    { 3 } - memory (e.g. "I seem to remember seeing a cat").
    { 4 } - authority (e.g. "My brother told me there's a cat in the other room").
    { 5 } - external perception (e.g. "I see this cat").
    { 6 } - all of these are traditional sources.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 6.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

According to Chisholm, it's traditional in Western philosophy to recognize various basic sources of knowledge. Which of these is NOT one of the traditional sources?

This is one of the traditional sources.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

According to Chisholm, it's traditional in Western philosophy to recognize various basic sources of knowledge. Which of these is NOT one of the traditional sources?

    { 1 } - self-awareness (e.g. "I'm aware that I'm thinking about a cat").
    { 2 } - reason (e.g. "All cats are furry and this is a cat" entails "This is furry").
    { 3 } - memory (e.g. "I seem to remember seeing a cat").
    { 4 } - authority (e.g. "My brother told me there's a cat in the other room").
    { 5 } - external perception (e.g. "I see this cat").
    { 6 } - all of these are traditional sources.

This is one of the traditional sources.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

According to Chisholm, it's traditional in Western philosophy to recognize various basic sources of knowledge. Which of these is NOT one of the traditional sources?

    { 1 } - self-awareness (e.g. "I'm aware that I'm thinking about a cat").
    { 2 } - reason (e.g. "All cats are furry and this is a cat" entails "This is furry").
    { 3 } - memory (e.g. "I seem to remember seeing a cat").
    { 4 } - authority (e.g. "My brother told me there's a cat in the other room").
    { 5 } - external perception (e.g. "I see this cat").
    { 6 } - all of these are traditional sources.

This is one of the traditional sources.

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4 is correct!

According to Chisholm, it's traditional in Western philosophy to recognize various basic sources of knowledge. Which of these is NOT one of the traditional sources?

    { 1 } - self-awareness (e.g. "I'm aware that I'm thinking about a cat").
    { 2 } - reason (e.g. "All cats are furry and this is a cat" entails "This is furry").
    { 3 } - memory (e.g. "I seem to remember seeing a cat").
    { 4 } - authority (e.g. "My brother told me there's a cat in the other room").
    { 5 } - external perception (e.g. "I see this cat").
    { 6 } - all of these are traditional sources.

Authority isn't one of the traditional four basic sources.

In this example, you'd have to determine (by perception, self-awareness, memory, and reason) whether or not what your brother tells you is generally true.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


5 is wrong. Please try again.

According to Chisholm, it's traditional in Western philosophy to recognize various basic sources of knowledge. Which of these is NOT one of the traditional sources?

    { 1 } - self-awareness (e.g. "I'm aware that I'm thinking about a cat").
    { 2 } - reason (e.g. "All cats are furry and this is a cat" entails "This is furry").
    { 3 } - memory (e.g. "I seem to remember seeing a cat").
    { 4 } - authority (e.g. "My brother told me there's a cat in the other room").
    { 5 } - external perception (e.g. "I see this cat").
    { 6 } - all of these are traditional sources.

This is one of the traditional sources.

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6 is wrong. Please try again.

According to Chisholm, it's traditional in Western philosophy to recognize various basic sources of knowledge. Which of these is NOT one of the traditional sources?

    { 1 } - self-awareness (e.g. "I'm aware that I'm thinking about a cat").
    { 2 } - reason (e.g. "All cats are furry and this is a cat" entails "This is furry").
    { 3 } - memory (e.g. "I seem to remember seeing a cat").
    { 4 } - authority (e.g. "My brother told me there's a cat in the other room").
    { 5 } - external perception (e.g. "I see this cat").
    { 6 } - all of these are traditional sources.

Chisholm says that there are FOUR traditional sources of knowledge. Thus one of the above isn't a traditional source.

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the end