Ima Relativist's attitude toward the values of another culture is
Ima Relativist's attitude toward the values of another culture is
This is what Ima holds. She says that no society can be wrong in its values -- since there are no objective standards. This limits our ability to learn. If our society can't be wrong, then it can't learn from its mistakes.
Those who believe in objective values see things differently. They might say: "There's a truth to be found in moral matters, but no culture has a monopoly on this truth. Different cultures need to learn from each other. This can help us to correct our cultural biases and move closer to the truth about how we ought to live."
Ima Relativist's attitude toward the values of another culture is
Ima says that neither society can be wrong in its values -- since there are no objective standards by which either side could be wrong.
Ima Relativist's attitude toward the values of another culture is
Ima rejects this dogmatic approach -- and rightly so.