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All social scientists are cultural relativists.

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All social scientists are cultural relativists.

This is a popular but false stereotype. In fact, social scientists hold a wide range of views on the foundations of ethics.

For example, Lawrence Kohlberg, an important psychologist in the area of moral development, has argued extensively against moral relativism. He sees cultural relativism as a relatively immature approach to morality, typical of teenagers and young adults. When we grow out of CR, we'll think for ourselves about morality in a more rational way.

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2 is correct!

All social scientists are cultural relativists.

This is a popular but false stereotype. In fact, social scientists hold a wide range of views on the foundations of ethics.

For example, Lawrence Kohlberg, an important psychologist in the area of moral development, has argued extensively against moral relativism. He sees cultural relativism as a relatively immature approach to morality, typical of teenagers and young adults. When we grow out of CR, we'll think for ourselves about morality in a more rational way.

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