What is your answer?
On cultural relativism, "This is socially approved but not good" means
{ 1 } - "This is socially approved but I don't like it."
{ 2 } - "This is socially approved but not socially approved."
{ 3 } - "This is socially approved but God disapproves of it."
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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 3.
1 is wrong. Please try again.
On cultural relativism, "This is socially approved but not good" means
{ 1 } - "This is socially approved but I don't like it."
{ 2 } - "This is socially approved but not socially approved."
{ 3 } - "This is socially approved but God disapproves of it."
This is subjectivism, which holds that "X is good" means "I like X." Subjectivism lets us consistently disagree with the values of our society.
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2 is correct!
On cultural relativism, "This is socially approved but not good" means
{ 1 } - "This is socially approved but I don't like it."
{ 2 } - "This is socially approved but not socially approved."
{ 3 } - "This is socially approved but God disapproves of it."
So it's self-contradictory.
If CR were true, then we couldn't consistently disagree with the values of our society. This is a very implausible result.
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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.
3 is wrong. Please try again.
On cultural relativism, "This is socially approved but not good" means
{ 1 } - "This is socially approved but I don't like it."
{ 2 } - "This is socially approved but not socially approved."
{ 3 } - "This is socially approved but God disapproves of it."
This is supernaturalism, which holds that "X is good" means "God desires X." Supernaturalism lets us consistently disagree with the values of our society.
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the end