What is your answer?

Suppose that you live in a Nazi country -- and that the ignorant and misinformed majority favors persecuting Jews. But you think that it's bad to persecute Jews. On cultural relativism, your view is

    { 1 } - correct, since it promotes tolerance.
    { 2 } - incorrect, since it goes against the views of society.
    { 3 } - correct, since it would bring more pleasure than pain for society.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 3.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

Suppose that you live in a Nazi country -- and that the ignorant and misinformed majority favors persecuting Jews. But you think that it's bad to persecute Jews. On cultural relativism, your view is

CR doesn't say that what promotes tolerance is necessarily good. Rather, it says that "good" and "bad" are based on the norms of society. So if society favors persecution and intolerance, then persecution and intolerance are good.

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2 is correct!

Suppose that you live in a Nazi country -- and that the ignorant and misinformed majority favors persecuting Jews. But you think that it's bad to persecute Jews. On cultural relativism, your view is

    { 1 } - correct, since it promotes tolerance.
    { 2 } - incorrect, since it goes against the views of society.
    { 3 } - correct, since it would bring more pleasure than pain for society.

When you say that persecuting Jews is "bad," this would mean that it's "socially disapproved" -- which it isn't. So your view is incorrect.

On CR, your moral views are always incorrect if they go against majority opinion. So CR is intolerant of minority views.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

Suppose that you live in a Nazi country -- and that the ignorant and misinformed majority favors persecuting Jews. But you think that it's bad to persecute Jews. On cultural relativism, your view is

    { 1 } - correct, since it promotes tolerance.
    { 2 } - incorrect, since it goes against the views of society.
    { 3 } - correct, since it would bring more pleasure than pain for society.

CR doesn't say that what brings more pleasure than pain for society is necessarily good. Rather, it says that "good" and "bad" are based on the norms of society. So if society favors persecution and intolerance, then persecution and intolerance are good.

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the end