What is your answer?

Cultural relativism holds that "Intolerance is good" means

    { 1 } - "I approve of intolerance."
    { 2 } - "Intolerance is socially approved."
    { 3 } - "Intolerance leads to more pleasure than pain for society."

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Cultural relativism holds that "Intolerance is good" means

This is subjectivism. CR looks, not at what the individual feels, but at what society feels.

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2 is correct!

Cultural relativism holds that "Intolerance is good" means

    { 1 } - "I approve of intolerance."
    { 2 } - "Intolerance is socially approved."
    { 3 } - "Intolerance leads to more pleasure than pain for society."

CR says that "X is good" means "X is socially approved."

Our society might approve of intolerance. If it does, then intolerance is good. Thus CR doesn't necessarily lead to intolerance being bad.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Cultural relativism holds that "Intolerance is good" means

    { 1 } - "I approve of intolerance."
    { 2 } - "Intolerance is socially approved."
    { 3 } - "Intolerance leads to more pleasure than pain for society."

This is utilitarianism. CR looks, not to pleasure/pain consequences, but to what society feels.

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the end