What is the best match?

Moral judgments, while they express emotions and not truth claims, are rational to the extent that they are informed and impartial.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Moral judgments, while they express emotions and not truth claims, are rational to the extent that they are informed and impartial.

"X is good" means "Hurrah for X!" <=> emotivism

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Moral judgments, while they express emotions and not truth claims, are rational to the extent that they are informed and impartial.

    { 1 } - emotivism
    { 2 } - logical positivism
    { 3 } - subjectivism
    { 4 } - moderate emotivism

Any genuine truth claim is either empirical or analytic. <=> logical positivism

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Moral judgments, while they express emotions and not truth claims, are rational to the extent that they are informed and impartial.

    { 1 } - emotivism
    { 2 } - logical positivism
    { 3 } - subjectivism
    { 4 } - moderate emotivism

"X is good" means "I like X." <=> subjectivism

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4 is correct!

Moral judgments, while they express emotions and not truth claims, are rational to the extent that they are informed and impartial.

    { 1 } - emotivism
    { 2 } - logical positivism
    { 3 } - subjectivism
    { 4 } - moderate emotivism

Moral judgments, while they express emotions and not truth claims, are rational to the extent that they are informed and impartial. <=> moderate emotivism

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