What is the best match?
"X is good" means "I like X."
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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 4.
1 is wrong. Please try again.
"X is good" means "I like X."
{ 1 } - emotivism
{ 2 } - logical positivism
{ 3 } - moderate emotivism
{ 4 } - subjectivism
"X is good" means "Hurrah for X!" <=> emotivism
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2 is wrong. Please try again.
"X is good" means "I like X."
{ 1 } - emotivism
{ 2 } - logical positivism
{ 3 } - moderate emotivism
{ 4 } - subjectivism
Any genuine truth claim is either empirical or analytic. <=> logical positivism
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3 is wrong. Please try again.
"X is good" means "I like X."
{ 1 } - emotivism
{ 2 } - logical positivism
{ 3 } - moderate emotivism
{ 4 } - subjectivism
Moral judgments, while they express emotions and not truth claims, are rational to the extent that they are informed and impartial. <=> moderate emotivism
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4 is correct!
"X is good" means "I like X."
{ 1 } - emotivism
{ 2 } - logical positivism
{ 3 } - moderate emotivism
{ 4 } - subjectivism
"X is good" means "I like X." <=> subjectivism
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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.
the end