What is the best match?
We follow GR because then people will treat us better, we'll avoid social penalties, and we'll feel better about ourselves
{ 1 } - cultural-relativist justification
{ 2 } - self-interest justification
{ 3 } - supernatualist justification
{ 4 } - intuitionist justification
{ 5 } - subjectivist justification
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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.
1 is wrong. Please try again.
We follow GR because then people will treat us better, we'll avoid social penalties, and we'll feel better about ourselves
{ 1 } - cultural-relativist justification
{ 2 } - self-interest justification
{ 3 } - supernatualist justification
{ 4 } - intuitionist justification
{ 5 } - subjectivist justification
We follow GR because because society demands this <=> cultural-relativist justification
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2 is correct!
We follow GR because then people will treat us better, we'll avoid social penalties, and we'll feel better about ourselves
{ 1 } - cultural-relativist justification
{ 2 } - self-interest justification
{ 3 } - supernatualist justification
{ 4 } - intuitionist justification
{ 5 } - subjectivist justification
We follow GR because then people will treat us better, we'll avoid social penalties, and we'll feel better about ourselves <=> self-interest justification
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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.
3 is wrong. Please try again.
We follow GR because then people will treat us better, we'll avoid social penalties, and we'll feel better about ourselves
{ 1 } - cultural-relativist justification
{ 2 } - self-interest justification
{ 3 } - supernatualist justification
{ 4 } - intuitionist justification
{ 5 } - subjectivist justification
We follow GR because it's God's law <=> supernatualist justification
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4 is wrong. Please try again.
We follow GR because then people will treat us better, we'll avoid social penalties, and we'll feel better about ourselves
{ 1 } - cultural-relativist justification
{ 2 } - self-interest justification
{ 3 } - supernatualist justification
{ 4 } - intuitionist justification
{ 5 } - subjectivist justification
GR is a self-evident truth <=> intuitionist justification
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5 is wrong. Please try again.
We follow GR because then people will treat us better, we'll avoid social penalties, and we'll feel better about ourselves
{ 1 } - cultural-relativist justification
{ 2 } - self-interest justification
{ 3 } - supernatualist justification
{ 4 } - intuitionist justification
{ 5 } - subjectivist justification
We follow GR because it accords with our feelings <=> subjectivist justification
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the end