What is the best match?

We follow GR because because society demands this

    { 1 } - self-interest justification
    { 2 } - cultural-relativist justification
    { 3 } - supernatualist justification
    { 4 } - intuitionist justification
    { 5 } - subjectivist justification

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

We follow GR because because society demands this

We follow GR because then people will treat us better, we'll avoid social penalties, and we'll feel better about ourselves <=> self-interest justification

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2 is correct!

We follow GR because because society demands this

    { 1 } - self-interest justification
    { 2 } - cultural-relativist justification
    { 3 } - supernatualist justification
    { 4 } - intuitionist justification
    { 5 } - subjectivist justification

We follow GR because because society demands this <=> cultural-relativist justification

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

We follow GR because because society demands this

    { 1 } - self-interest justification
    { 2 } - cultural-relativist justification
    { 3 } - supernatualist justification
    { 4 } - intuitionist justification
    { 5 } - subjectivist justification

We follow GR because it's God's law <=> supernatualist justification

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

We follow GR because because society demands this

    { 1 } - self-interest justification
    { 2 } - cultural-relativist justification
    { 3 } - supernatualist justification
    { 4 } - intuitionist justification
    { 5 } - subjectivist justification

GR is a self-evident truth <=> intuitionist justification

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5 is wrong. Please try again.

We follow GR because because society demands this

    { 1 } - self-interest justification
    { 2 } - cultural-relativist justification
    { 3 } - supernatualist justification
    { 4 } - intuitionist justification
    { 5 } - subjectivist justification

We follow GR because it accords with our feelings <=> subjectivist justification

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the end