What is your answer?
Ima Rossian suggests that we should, when we face conflicting prima facie duties,
{ 1 } - do what will produce the greatest intrinsic good.
{ 2 } - ask our ethics teacher what to do.
{ 3 } - flip a coin.
{ 4 } - follow whichever duty is the strongest.
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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 4.
1 is wrong. Please try again.
Ima Rossian suggests that we should, when we face conflicting prima facie duties,
{ 1 } - do what will produce the greatest intrinsic good.
{ 2 } - ask our ethics teacher what to do.
{ 3 } - flip a coin.
{ 4 } - follow whichever duty is the strongest.
This is the utilitarian approach that Ima rejects.
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2 is wrong. Please try again.
Ima Rossian suggests that we should, when we face conflicting prima facie duties,
{ 1 } - do what will produce the greatest intrinsic good.
{ 2 } - ask our ethics teacher what to do.
{ 3 } - flip a coin.
{ 4 } - follow whichever duty is the strongest.
No! Your teacher is probably more confused that you are.
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3 is wrong. Please try again.
Ima Rossian suggests that we should, when we face conflicting prima facie duties,
{ 1 } - do what will produce the greatest intrinsic good.
{ 2 } - ask our ethics teacher what to do.
{ 3 } - flip a coin.
{ 4 } - follow whichever duty is the strongest.
Do you want to make the wrong decision half of the time?
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4 is correct!
Ima Rossian suggests that we should, when we face conflicting prima facie duties,
{ 1 } - do what will produce the greatest intrinsic good.
{ 2 } - ask our ethics teacher what to do.
{ 3 } - flip a coin.
{ 4 } - follow whichever duty is the strongest.
Ross, who was an intuitionist, suggested that we have to follow our intuitions here. But Ima thinks that rationality also could give us guidance. In the case about her mother, golden-rule consistency practically forced her to think that she ought to break the promise and drive her mother to the hospital.
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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.
the end