We ought to accept universalizability and impartiality because these have a crucial social function. They make possible important kinds of moral reasoning, and they promote a neutral standpoint for settling disputes and reaching a moral consensus. These make life better for everyone.
We ought to accept universalizability and impartiality because these have a crucial social function. They make possible important kinds of moral reasoning, and they promote a neutral standpoint for settling disputes and reaching a moral consensus. These make life better for everyone.
Violating impartiality is inherently bad and thus ought other-things-equal to be avoided. <=> prima-facie-duty justification
We ought to accept universalizability and impartiality because these have a crucial social function. They make possible important kinds of moral reasoning, and they promote a neutral standpoint for settling disputes and reaching a moral consensus. These make life better for everyone.
We strive for impartiality because it promotes our desire to be fair toward others. <=> idealistic-desire justification
We ought to accept universalizability and impartiality because these have a crucial social function. They make possible important kinds of moral reasoning, and they promote a neutral standpoint for settling disputes and reaching a moral consensus. These make life better for everyone.
We know through our actual or ideal moral intuitions that universalizability is true and that we ought to be impartial. <=> intuitionism justification
We ought to accept universalizability and impartiality because these have a crucial social function. They make possible important kinds of moral reasoning, and they promote a neutral standpoint for settling disputes and reaching a moral consensus. These make life better for everyone.
We ought to be impartial because God desires this. <=> divine-command-theory justification
We ought to accept universalizability and impartiality because these have a crucial social function. They make possible important kinds of moral reasoning, and they promote a neutral standpoint for settling disputes and reaching a moral consensus. These make life better for everyone.
We ought to accept universalizability and impartiality because these have a crucial social function. They make possible important kinds of moral reasoning, and they promote a neutral standpoint for settling disputes and reaching a moral consensus. These make life better for everyone. <=> utilitarianism justification