What is your answer?

The Republic tells us about Leontius, who desires to look at a pile of corpses and at the same time desires to shield his eyes.

What is the point of the story?

    { 1 } - This contradiction shows that Leontius doesn't know right from wrong.
    { 2 } - One's soul must contain different parts -- each desiring conflicting things.
    { 3 } - Desires such as this have nothing to do with the soul.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

The Republic tells us about Leontius, who desires to look at a pile of corpses and at the same time desires to shield his eyes.

What is the point of the story?

He wouldn't have struggled so much if he didn't know right from wrong. He would gladly gape at the pile of rotting corpses to fulfill his desire, and he wouldn't have felt guilty.

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2 is correct!

The Republic tells us about Leontius, who desires to look at a pile of corpses and at the same time desires to shield his eyes.

What is the point of the story?

    { 1 } - This contradiction shows that Leontius doesn't know right from wrong.
    { 2 } - One's soul must contain different parts -- each desiring conflicting things.
    { 3 } - Desires such as this have nothing to do with the soul.

The view that the soul has parts is important to Plato, and he needs an explanation that makes this view plausible.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

The Republic tells us about Leontius, who desires to look at a pile of corpses and at the same time desires to shield his eyes.

What is the point of the story?

    { 1 } - This contradiction shows that Leontius doesn't know right from wrong.
    { 2 } - One's soul must contain different parts -- each desiring conflicting things.
    { 3 } - Desires such as this have nothing to do with the soul.

He thought that both desires come directly from the soul. The desire to look at the corpses comes from the appetites, and the desire to look away comes from the "high spirit."

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the end