What is your answer?
Justice in society means that you
{ 1 } - follow principles that you would agree to under the "veil of ignorance."
{ 2 } - follow the function to which nature best suited you.
{ 3 } - point something out as "just this" and nothing more.
{ 4 } - do what will maximize the happiness of society.
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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 4.
1 is wrong. Please try again.
Justice in society means that you
{ 1 } - follow principles that you would agree to under the "veil of ignorance."
{ 2 } - follow the function to which nature best suited you.
{ 3 } - point something out as "just this" and nothing more.
{ 4 } - do what will maximize the happiness of society.
You're thinking of John Rawls?
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2 is correct!
Justice in society means that you
{ 1 } - follow principles that you would agree to under the "veil of ignorance."
{ 2 } - follow the function to which nature best suited you.
{ 3 } - point something out as "just this" and nothing more.
{ 4 } - do what will maximize the happiness of society.
Exactly! You follow your proper social role as a ruler, a worker, or a soldier.
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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.
3 is wrong. Please try again.
Justice in society means that you
{ 1 } - follow principles that you would agree to under the "veil of ignorance."
{ 2 } - follow the function to which nature best suited you.
{ 3 } - point something out as "just this" and nothing more.
{ 4 } - do what will maximize the happiness of society.
I didn't think that anyone would pick this answer!
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4 is wrong. Please try again.
Justice in society means that you
{ 1 } - follow principles that you would agree to under the "veil of ignorance."
{ 2 } - follow the function to which nature best suited you.
{ 3 } - point something out as "just this" and nothing more.
{ 4 } - do what will maximize the happiness of society.
Close, but not exactly. The just society will maximize the happiness of its members. But this is a byproduct of justice -- not its essence.
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the end