What is your answer?

Quine suggests that we decide which ontology to accept by

    { 1 } - looking for the simplest ontology that fits our experience.
    { 2 } - applying the formula "To be is to be the value of a variable."

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1 is correct!

Quine suggests that we decide which ontology to accept by

Quine sees an ontology as being like a scientific theory. In both cases, we should accept the simplest scheme that fits our experience. Our ontology is determined when we decide upon the over-all conceptual scheme to accommodate our knowledge.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Quine suggests that we decide which ontology to accept by

    { 1 } - looking for the simplest ontology that fits our experience.
    { 2 } - applying the formula "To be is to be the value of a variable."

This formula clarifies what it is to have a given ontology -- but it doesn't tell us which ontology to accept.

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the end