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Ima Intuitionist claims that self-evident truths are universally accepted.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Intuitionist claims that self-evident truths are universally accepted.

Ima claims that "x+y = y+x" is self-evident but not universally accepted. Babies and the uneducated won't accept or grasp it, since they lack mathematical sophistication. Moral principles work the same way. We need reflection and intellectual maturity to distinguish self-evident moral truths.

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2 is correct!

Ima Intuitionist claims that self-evident truths are universally accepted.

Ima claims that "x+y = y+x" is self-evident but not universally accepted. Babies and the uneducated won't accept or grasp it, since they lack mathematical sophistication. Moral principles work the same way. We need reflection and intellectual maturity to distinguish self-evident moral truths.

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