What is your answer?

Ima Intuitionist believes that moral education should involve teaching our children

    { 1 } - to follow their own likes and dislikes.
    { 2 } - the norms that seem self-evident to us; we should teach these by personal example, verbal instruction, praise and blame, and reward and punishment.
    { 3 } - the norms of their society.
    { 4 } - the norms of God, as revealed in the Bible.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Intuitionist believes that moral education should involve teaching our children

This is the approach of subjectivism.

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2 is correct!

Ima Intuitionist believes that moral education should involve teaching our children

    { 1 } - to follow their own likes and dislikes.
    { 2 } - the norms that seem self-evident to us; we should teach these by personal example, verbal instruction, praise and blame, and reward and punishment.
    { 3 } - the norms of their society.
    { 4 } - the norms of God, as revealed in the Bible.

But suppose that we live in a Nazi society, and Nazi norms seem self-evident to us. Then Ima's method will teach Nazi norms and intuitions to our children.

So we also need to teach some rational way to criticize inherited moral intuitions. But how can we do this?

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Intuitionist believes that moral education should involve teaching our children

    { 1 } - to follow their own likes and dislikes.
    { 2 } - the norms that seem self-evident to us; we should teach these by personal example, verbal instruction, praise and blame, and reward and punishment.
    { 3 } - the norms of their society.
    { 4 } - the norms of God, as revealed in the Bible.

This is the approach of cultural relativism.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Intuitionist believes that moral education should involve teaching our children

    { 1 } - to follow their own likes and dislikes.
    { 2 } - the norms that seem self-evident to us; we should teach these by personal example, verbal instruction, praise and blame, and reward and punishment.
    { 3 } - the norms of their society.
    { 4 } - the norms of God, as revealed in the Bible.

This is the approach of supernaturalism.

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the end