What is your answer?

Ima Intuitionist claims that there must be indefinable terms, because

    { 1 } - some terms are too complex or ambiguous to be defined.
    { 2 } - we can't without circularity define every term.
    { 3 } - some terms presume a mystical awareness of their objects.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Intuitionist claims that there must be indefinable terms, because

You missed the point.

Complex ideas can be defined in terms of simpler ideas -- and ambiguous terms can be given a series of definitions. It's the simplest ideas (like "not") that are indefinable -- because we can't break them down in terms of anything simpler.

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2 is correct!

Ima Intuitionist claims that there must be indefinable terms, because

    { 1 } - some terms are too complex or ambiguous to be defined.
    { 2 } - we can't without circularity define every term.
    { 3 } - some terms presume a mystical awareness of their objects.

Suppose that we look up a word in the dictionary, and the word is defined using other words, and these are defined using still other words, and so on. Since there's only a finite number of words, if we exclude circular definitions we'll eventually find words that can't be defined further.

The word "not" is a simple example of an indefinable term. You can't define "not" using anything simpler.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Intuitionist claims that there must be indefinable terms, because

    { 1 } - some terms are too complex or ambiguous to be defined.
    { 2 } - we can't without circularity define every term.
    { 3 } - some terms presume a mystical awareness of their objects.

Huh? Did you read the chapter?

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the end